11 July 2014


Sell me on that dream like parachute crazy idea
The kind we used to scoff at when we were in the midst of it
In the heat 
in all our passion
In the moment
When we
knew our place amongst the stars was reserved and we were headed there
Bite the bullit that pierces my flesh
Hold back the great flood filling up the flood gates. 
Ensnare me you woman
Temptress with eyes
That I lose myself in constantly
Perpetually I find
I've lost grips with reality
I have lost it all in my mind
The sad sad sad truth of me
I need nothing denied

10 July 2014


I was sitting down in the harbor, writing; this lady walks up to me asking if I want some peanut butter...
"No. Thank you." I say & smile. "I'm fine"
"You're not homeless?" She sounds surprised. I can tell she's been crying. Her eyes belay a pain close to boiling over... I regret not taking her peanut butter. She obviously had wanted to help someone & wasn't sure how to deal with my non-destitute status.
"I have a bunch if other stuff if you'd like. I don't need it. I'm going to kill myself tonight."
...wtf? This just got very real...
"Excuse me?" I ask, putting my notebook down and looking at her. Her eyes dart around avoiding me. "Why would you want to kill yourself?"
"I want to be back with God and I can't stand living anymore" she says resolutely. 
"If you kill yourself you don't go to God, you know"
"I believe I will" she says matter of factly,"He has put me through a lot the last couple of years & I don't want to live anymore" and she turns and walks away...
I get up and start towards her as she gets into a car and drives away, ignoring me shouting "hey! Wait a sec! Hey!!" 
I go to my car a little further down. But by the time I get started & back out she's gone.  I drive around looking for her. Gone. 

07 July 2014


Right now right now
The apple of my eye the
twilight of my troubled youth
She hangs on. Dances. She
wants control...
Moves on from me like I 
said she would not so 
long ago
Right now Right now
The cynic in my heart hates that
9 times pulled apart from 
10 times I keep trying 
The world The girl won't 
That cynic bares the mark 
Of knowing
Too too much
And right now he hates himself...
Right right now right now. 
I'm spinning words to form a thought
To shape ideas from little dots
To spread the word
I miss you so
Right now now NOW Right now
You read them
And then 