18 December 2014

Brain fart #429

Sense of all sensibility; locked your heart around a pretty thing. Foolish fool who dares and drinks; slipping through this reality...

Change my mind...
Change direction;
Change your clothes 
& fail to mention...
Changes happen;
Change is good...
Changed men charged with
Changing the World.

...pulse beat; electricity. Setting off a million bursts of chemistry. Neurons fire off like the pistons in an internal combustion engine. 1-2-3-ready-&-GO!
Synapsis harden into memory; wired in for eternity. And recalling it in time will strengthen the line & feed more electricity & chemistry into the Great Machine

09 December 2014


My Heart
I gave
With all my 
Hopes & my Dreams 
Packed in real
My Heart
It is waiting
Love to arrive
My Heart
Tries to
Be good 
It sure fucking tries
Despite countless
It still friggin 
My Heart
Will beat its
Last Beat
Of Life
Still hoping 
And waiting
And fucking TRYING
It dies
6 goddamn nights

06 December 2014

Positively NOT a guilt trip of any kind. {Honest Injun}

I lose you...
I lose me too;
The me you knew,
True Blue
The Me once known
Who tried to show
His heart of gold
His feelings, told
Could dare grow old
...with you. 
True Blue
Bet my whole stack
Held nothin back
So sure of this & that
You would never ever act
Like this & like that
Like its been more & more 
I know. 
It's sad. It's true
True Blue
So go, if you feel
Forget what's real 
The path we lost
The hearts crossed deal
Go on
I love you still
In memories & lucid dreams
You'll find me still
For you
True Blue

05 December 2014

Would it hurt less or more...?

Down below the crowds hoot & holler
While I get sick on the cliffs above
I've lost that last bit I clung to
My sense and sensibility, my dream, my love.
If I take 3 steps forward will this go away
1, 2... The wind makes me sway. 
I hear the happy normal everyday people in love and happy  and living their happy normal everyday lives 
Why can't that happen, why can't that be me? 
When will I find someone who won't give up on me? Why does everyone leave? 
Happiness is fleeting, joy never lasts. I'm so goddamn sick of feeling when it's just feeling sad
I found one who was all I've ever wanted or needed and who is like no one else I'm sure
But she finds me lacking some one little thing which she says is the only really big little thing that means
It's her deal breaker she says tho it somehow only seems to matter now
She says she can't talk to me and that she's sick of talking things out with me. Calls me an ass yet says I'm so nearly perfectly perfect for her
She says
But she feels lonely , alternately all the time only sometimes. 
When it will have more effect or if god forbid I
Bring up how it's been perfect & quiet & joyously joyful of late
Suddenly it's all everything and everything's on me
My fault. 
My blame. 
My failures and I'm so frustratingly furisome and she ever and Always
So completely perfectly Purrfect
She knows I won't complain too much And take all the blame with very little fuss Just one more step
One quick Leap
For mankind and for me
And the pain will be over
And it'll be over for me

09 November 2014

My fragile heart

I wish my heart didn't break
So goddamn easy
As if any good came
Wishing such things...

If I was maybe more stoic
Maybe Less sensitive 
A lil bit firmer holding my line
Lowered my expectations a squidge...

Perhaps if I was only 
Less like well you know
My heart would be less
And I'd just be less

28 October 2014


You are my Heart
I love my Heart
I love you. 
I cannot live without my Heart
I cannot live without 

11 July 2014


Sell me on that dream like parachute crazy idea
The kind we used to scoff at when we were in the midst of it
In the heat 
in all our passion
In the moment
When we
knew our place amongst the stars was reserved and we were headed there
Bite the bullit that pierces my flesh
Hold back the great flood filling up the flood gates. 
Ensnare me you woman
Temptress with eyes
That I lose myself in constantly
Perpetually I find
I've lost grips with reality
I have lost it all in my mind
The sad sad sad truth of me
I need nothing denied

10 July 2014


I was sitting down in the harbor, writing; this lady walks up to me asking if I want some peanut butter...
"No. Thank you." I say & smile. "I'm fine"
"You're not homeless?" She sounds surprised. I can tell she's been crying. Her eyes belay a pain close to boiling over... I regret not taking her peanut butter. She obviously had wanted to help someone & wasn't sure how to deal with my non-destitute status.
"I have a bunch if other stuff if you'd like. I don't need it. I'm going to kill myself tonight."
...wtf? This just got very real...
"Excuse me?" I ask, putting my notebook down and looking at her. Her eyes dart around avoiding me. "Why would you want to kill yourself?"
"I want to be back with God and I can't stand living anymore" she says resolutely. 
"If you kill yourself you don't go to God, you know"
"I believe I will" she says matter of factly,"He has put me through a lot the last couple of years & I don't want to live anymore" and she turns and walks away...
I get up and start towards her as she gets into a car and drives away, ignoring me shouting "hey! Wait a sec! Hey!!" 
I go to my car a little further down. But by the time I get started & back out she's gone.  I drive around looking for her. Gone. 

07 July 2014


Right now right now
The apple of my eye the
twilight of my troubled youth
She hangs on. Dances. She
wants control...
Moves on from me like I 
said she would not so 
long ago
Right now Right now
The cynic in my heart hates that
9 times pulled apart from 
10 times I keep trying 
The world The girl won't 
That cynic bares the mark 
Of knowing
Too too much
And right now he hates himself...
Right right now right now. 
I'm spinning words to form a thought
To shape ideas from little dots
To spread the word
I miss you so
Right now now NOW Right now
You read them
And then 

02 June 2014

[brians axiom #1]

If you think I'm being serious, most likely...I am joking around. But not always...
And if you think I'm joking, I'm probably being serious. But again, not always. 
This axiom applies even to the axiom itself.

13 May 2014

[that certain time]

it was twilight mellow yellow afternoon
& the sun spread wetly across our faces
hinting muted pastel hues
we'd never see again
it was midnight cold hard blankets storm
never see the daylight
freezing dark 
and our breath exposed in the air
death so close to where we were sleeping
when it came to close it was hard to get leaving
tho I'm told you know it's still part of the bleeding
now your eyes so cold and the heart I once loved 
said no more no that's enough
I'm done with the feeling

28 April 2014

[pocket change]

fools who let fly
but what a fool am I 
changing makes difference
differences deny
a want is an absolute 
a pedigree of thought
become happiness become joy
be happy with what you got

24 April 2014

[duck, duck, ...goose!]

now I've lost it; maybe forever. was it ever really found; perhaps on the day when your spirit went away... time we left it in the ground. perhaps once the fog gets lifted; perhaps forever means no more. was it you? was it me? was it ever meant to be? too much speculation, too soon to be ignored. dancing buck-assed naked on that wedding dance floor. 

11 April 2014

[Midnight in the Garden]

It's midnight in the garden of a hope, a dream; your eyes...
The detritus of my hearts affair with Love; now thrice denied.
It's midnight says the grandfathered clock we lay to rest...
In the garden where my Love once lay her head upon my chest.
The bells they toll, the chimes still ring...
Become this gardens own heart-beat.
It's midnight and I dare not sleep...
For what this garden holds is Me.
It's midnight in the garden 
Of what will never be.

11 March 2014


The differences between riding the bus in OC vs. any of the plethora of other places I've ridden public transit is astounding... I don't know why, but try it sometime & be sure to pack mace

09 March 2014

[philosophical mumbo jumbo]

there are things we just KNOW
like which way is up or how to keep breathing...
we may not know the right words to describe it, or 
what exactly IT is, 
only that IT is or that it exists...
it's a terrible thing, to know but
be unable to share or even understand it yourself...
to summon every sense & cognitive ability you can muster...strain all mental capabilities...
and have only a billion ideas of what it is not...
you can sense it before you, it's so obviously there
yet it takes someone who knows you
and knows of it too
to put it all together,
into perspective,
help you to know what you knew that you already knew that you know...
you know?
sharing makes things real
removes a thing from the realm of the mind & puts it in the physical world where the one it's shared with exists...

No more philosophy today

07 March 2014

[of an unknown color]

I want to look into eyes & see inside them all the billions of stars & rainbows & happy-joy-joy feelings that are knawing & flapping in my own heart & guts reciprocated...to know absolutely that what I feel is felt by another, & that they too have longed for this & are happy as I am to find them as they are to find me...
It's accepted that we share this, we trust in it & each others belief in it & it's rightness, because we understand each other, and our desires are the same & so become one & the same... 

05 March 2014


when faced with a feeling<br>
confronted by noise<br>
pausing in the doorway<br>
take that last look...<br>
should God call<br>
or country<br>
leading the slaughter of boys<br>
will you pause in the doorway,<br>
will you ever look back?

02 March 2014


Tremble now before the World
tremble 'cause it hurts
Saffron mist now blown away
eyes no longer glazed 
She opened up but kept the Babe
crushed & pulverized 
stewed & flayed 
Tremble now, body shakes
But her...
She now belongs to the World

28 February 2014


Rain rain - come 'n play
Let them raindrops wash me away
Wind wind - howl today
A sudden gust blow me away
Thunder lightning - every bit as exciting
...there's me outside, alone, & smiling

10 February 2014

sensing 2

take a moment soak it up live and love and know no bounds feel this body radiate shake and shudder and know no other