11 March 2014


The differences between riding the bus in OC vs. any of the plethora of other places I've ridden public transit is astounding... I don't know why, but try it sometime & be sure to pack mace

09 March 2014

[philosophical mumbo jumbo]

there are things we just KNOW
like which way is up or how to keep breathing...
we may not know the right words to describe it, or 
what exactly IT is, 
only that IT is or that it exists...
it's a terrible thing, to know but
be unable to share or even understand it yourself...
to summon every sense & cognitive ability you can muster...strain all mental capabilities...
and have only a billion ideas of what it is not...
you can sense it before you, it's so obviously there
yet it takes someone who knows you
and knows of it too
to put it all together,
into perspective,
help you to know what you knew that you already knew that you know...
you know?
sharing makes things real
removes a thing from the realm of the mind & puts it in the physical world where the one it's shared with exists...

No more philosophy today