06 December 2014

Positively NOT a guilt trip of any kind. {Honest Injun}

I lose you...
I lose me too;
The me you knew,
True Blue
The Me once known
Who tried to show
His heart of gold
His feelings, told
Could dare grow old
...with you. 
True Blue
Bet my whole stack
Held nothin back
So sure of this & that
You would never ever act
Like this & like that
Like its been more & more 
I know. 
It's sad. It's true
True Blue
So go, if you feel
Forget what's real 
The path we lost
The hearts crossed deal
Go on
I love you still
In memories & lucid dreams
You'll find me still
For you
True Blue

05 December 2014

Would it hurt less or more...?

Down below the crowds hoot & holler
While I get sick on the cliffs above
I've lost that last bit I clung to
My sense and sensibility, my dream, my love.
If I take 3 steps forward will this go away
1, 2... The wind makes me sway. 
I hear the happy normal everyday people in love and happy  and living their happy normal everyday lives 
Why can't that happen, why can't that be me? 
When will I find someone who won't give up on me? Why does everyone leave? 
Happiness is fleeting, joy never lasts. I'm so goddamn sick of feeling when it's just feeling sad
I found one who was all I've ever wanted or needed and who is like no one else I'm sure
But she finds me lacking some one little thing which she says is the only really big little thing that means
It's her deal breaker she says tho it somehow only seems to matter now
She says she can't talk to me and that she's sick of talking things out with me. Calls me an ass yet says I'm so nearly perfectly perfect for her
She says
But she feels lonely , alternately all the time only sometimes. 
When it will have more effect or if god forbid I
Bring up how it's been perfect & quiet & joyously joyful of late
Suddenly it's all everything and everything's on me
My fault. 
My blame. 
My failures and I'm so frustratingly furisome and she ever and Always
So completely perfectly Purrfect
She knows I won't complain too much And take all the blame with very little fuss Just one more step
One quick Leap
For mankind and for me
And the pain will be over
And it'll be over for me