24 September 2005

[bottom feeder]
every fibre in my body
every morsel of my soul
screams at me out loud from want
of something
i guess
i dont know...
form eloquent & quite useless words
thru my chapped lips & with no real point
to the empty walls of my room & board
for something
i guess
i dont know...

i once had a head and i
loved it too much
it would beg
to be fed & i
loved it too much
i would take it out & i
would tease it with touch
it loved to be played with
& i loved to play with it
& i
im afraid i
loved it too much

23 September 2005

[mediocre attempt]
what do you want from me?
please tell me
im not an idol to be worshipped
im not an ideal to be held
tho i do like to cuddle when
my mind starts to swell
my passion lays inside of that mind
its not very obvious and not very
to others who try
like hell sometimes
but just see me as blind
over pretensions and
but i wouldnt mind a shot
or two
with a little vermouth
it could clean me like the morning
when i woke up
to me

18 September 2005

[stranger still]
the cat lies in direct sunlight
while i hide my face in a shadow
you treat me with your words
in quotations
as if you want to say something
well, then
say something
i can give and give
im quite capable of that
but whats the point
everyone walks away