20 June 2002

oh so very james joyce-ish
check out this really cool bands website:

stephen will apologise
dream a little dream
i had really fucked up dreams the last two nights. tuesday night the entire world was on fire and i tried to pee on it to put it out. i failed, of coarse. then last night i dreamed that i was leaving a venue and the exit actually took you into an alice-in-wonderland-esque maze with no end. i ended up climbing out while others just stood there all squished. when i climbed out i was in a swap-meet. so i bought a churro. mmmm. churro.

19 June 2002

you scream, i scream we all scream when there's a body in the Ice Cream truck
there's multiple lessons to be learned here
1)don't run from the cops
2)frozen banana's kill

**from rick

18 June 2002

mr. mojo rising
there is a great article about a guy who has been dead for 80 years and is just now being buried.Mojo (no one knows his real name) apparently died while passing through the town. Remind me to never stop there.

16 June 2002

leaving a message
a message left in CS of my work:

girl: ...i'd like for one of you customer service guys to call us back. We have left several...
guy in background: what are you doin', woman?
girl: I'm leavin' a message for 'em
guy: What?!
girl: I'm leavin' a MESSAGE!
guy: You just don' do it!