05 March 2004

hold the phone

take a message; im all out of temptation; i put this off for way too long; cant feel my fingers; they told me im bleeding; somewhere down by the river; say that you see me; but your not even breathing; when can i wake from this nightmare im living...

the hole; swollen masses; they come without asking; the winter is passed and im not sure what im doing here...

fake for the foolish; elitist, stop drooling; im lost somewhere off in a song; a slight whisper tingling; the horror--that feeling; im down my the river tonite; say what your thinking; think you can break me; but im bright eyed and living a lie...

04 March 2004

barely listening
shake your head
pretend you didnt see
the telephone ringing
and caller ID telling you its me...


im so much better in the un-typical way
i still bring you flowers; you still make my day
so whats the bother, where have i gone wrong
another bleeding heart of a romance already gone...

so what if i screwed it up; so what if my bowels bleed on a daily basis; so much blood and gore; aching heart an open sore; festering wounds that cannot get healed; everyday another layer gets peeled; backwards and forwards; surprising the lot of us; nothing but cowards and im locked in the trunk...


Kucinich Supporter
Joined: 24 Feb 2004
Posts: 4 Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 1:38 am Post subject: House of the Falling Son


...i hear over and over how Baby Bush did 'such a great job' in the wake of 9/11...HE HID ON A [edited out] AIRPLANE AND DIDNT COME DOWN FOR 3 DAYS!!!!!!...while the rest of us looked to the sky to see if there were anymore planes barrelling down at us, he was LAUGHNG HIS [edited out] [hand] OFF in airforce one...shit, i wouldnt be surprised if he was on it PRIOR to the first strike!!!...

...i get lost in my own anger on this subject, so if i start rambling...sorry!

...point1) i know for a fact that the US government can read the license plate number off a speeding vehicle in real-time if it wants...HOW CAN SOMETHING AS BIG AS THE PLANS FOR ATTACKING THE US SLIP UNDER THE COLLECTIVE RADAR OF THE US GOVERNMENT???? ...we know also that {and this is applicable due to the media's own comparison of the 2 events} the plans for PEARL HARBOR were known WEEKS in advance, but FDR---knowing that his New Deal had failed and desperate to get America into WWII--- SAID NOTHING...not only had we already broken the Japanese codes but they sent an OFFICIAL ENVOY to the president demanding a cease to our embargo---an accepted Act of War according to the League of Nations...but what does that matter, we didnt join it, right?
...point2) Baby Bush WAS NEVER LEGALLY ELECTED!!! he lost, by last count, by some 6k votes DESPITE his brother expelling some 200k african-americans and old jewish women---ALL REGISTERED DEMOCRATS--- from the voter roll's


...the "PATRIOT" ACT took away 15% of the everyday american's civil liberties...WE ARE NO LONGER THE LAND OF THE FREE...we have succombed to our own stupidity...the government was allowed to effectively stereotype, disregard sanctity of person and property, eavesdrop....SPY ON ITS OWN POPULATION!!!!...we can no longer retaliate, protest, or argue against the government...the 3 things our founding fathers tried desperately to preserve for us...the right to bare arms was garunteed us so that we may raise up and put the federal government in its place if need be...we were told, no...ENCOURAGED to stage a coup de tat if we felt that the government was getting out of hand...and it has!...oh, i know the rhetoric about 'its better than anywhere else'...but so what...does that mean we should simply LET it go on out of hand...if a child steals, do you say "atleast he's not killing anyone today" and let him go on? ...besides, thanks to the PATRIOT Act...ITS NO BETTER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE!!!!! not anymore! we, the people of the united states of america are sworn to defend the constitution by all those pledges of alligence's we took in grade school...we are summoned by the founding fathers, by the blood shed by countless millions in defense of said constitution to do the same, only this time we must fight the government itself...we must slay the creature the federal government has become...for our fathers...for our childeren...

"society produces rogues; its education which make one rogue more clever than another...!" ~oscar wilde~

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