25 February 2012

walked away...just too much
hit the pavement before I
hit the ceiling...
headed home...
it took something...long since forgot
hidden these last few years
not known for ages...though needed
a lot
as the rain slowly soaked me
as I passed thru the streets
that something revived
strengthening me
gave me the strength to just
fuckin' leave

24 February 2012

The Madness doesn't doubt me
The Madness knows my worth
It doesn't get embarrassed by me
or question what is pure
The Madness thinks I'm ugly
yet loves me all the more
The Madness is understanding
& helps me off the floor
The Madness is always giving
& knows I give my all
The Madness never leaves me
even when I fall
The Madness always wants me
The Madness holds me tight
It says that there is nothing but
The Madness & I