03 February 2004

:city by the bay:
...wouldnt you just figure...ive been talking and talking about moving to sf and just before i do...{drum roll}...i meet and get attracted/attatched to a grrrl that makes me want to re-consider my a-sexual ways... ...but thats the best part, we dont have to fret over the day-to-day boring "boy-grrrl" stuff...we just have a blast...its actually more akin to a playground friendship, forged in mud and fed by scraped knees and howling screams for mommy... ...so what do i do??? i give her the bird! \i|ii aye carumba! im fruggin' 're-tah-ded'!

admend.1: the saddest looking man on Lincoln with a cardboard sign that read simply, "Help" is the proud receiptent of a turkey burger, fries, and soda fromthis great deli on irving...way to go guy!