30 April 2004

pepsi generation and d-generates

The National Hip-Hop Generation Political Something-Or-Other is looking for volunteers for any of you hep-cat-quasi-political-freedom-fighters...check it out...

29 April 2004

...ya' gall-darn' hooligan!...

i saw the funniest thing on craigslist.org today...in the LA section...listed between: "Film Promotion Girl Needed (One Night Only) (Hollywood) " and " Acting Academy - Director (Lake Arrowhead, CA)...check it out....

AMMEDED 22JUN2004://


hahahahaha thats some funny shit...
final note on dirty pigeons [here anyway...]

on the subject of health...
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

check this out

26 April 2004

you said it, white boy...

The pathos of man is that he hungers for personal fulfillment and for a sense of
community with others.

~J. Saunders Redding~
dirty pigeons

...i played tonight at Coconuts in capo beach...neil of ' a white wall advertisement' joined for a few old tunes like "matted{formatted to fit this screen}" and "be cool"...jd of 'stereophonics', avowed number-one-fan of my old band, '...one man out...' stepped up as well on "in my side" and "my emily"...

...all and all a good show...possible cinco de mayo gig w/ black-flys as result...plus an open invitation to Coconuts...

...to all the entities who came in support, some unseen for literally years...my hat is off to you. thank you for making me blush :P


'dirty pigeon' website coming soon...w/ mp3's!
Greetings Virgo
Here is your horoscope for the week of April 26 through May 2

The Sun in Taurus is helping you to appreciate how much you have to gain by thinking big. Don't downsize yourself, and focus on how tiny you want your world to be. Allow yourself to expand. On Wednesday, the Sun aspects both Saturn and Jupiter. You will feel inclined to be more sparing with time you give to your social life. But you are encouraged to be more self-expressive than you usually are. This is a good week, with the promise of progress, as Mercury, your ruling planet, turns direct.