12 July 2002

~{~@mind fuck'd@~}~
>>>>>intercept II 19 MM0II-b


down in the drags but im still pure
been lost together, me and my girl
she left me for a mirror image of me
she left me so alone i would be

do you love me or my words?
soft spoken and redeeming
golden or demeaning
in tattered clothes i bare the flag
shot up in galleries same as my dad
went out to bakersfield to see what i'd find
got lost in the desert drinking turpentine

arch your back
curl your toes
eyes dilate
escaping moan
warm breath
soft touch
not enough
not too much
hands pressed
minds collide
all as one
body, mine

think you can beat this? think you have won?
tempt me twice more and we'll dance

who knows what you're bitter heart can unleash
backed up dumpsters and garbage disposals
tethered down to a railroad track, seconds away

i want to scream
but no one can hear me
bound and gagged by suit jacket and tie
beg for forgiveness but pious im not

i can't help this feeling
im uncontrolled
where is my lover
covered in gold

i now have, once more, a valid california drivers license. it was originally suspended in October of 1999...yes, 1999...but that didn't slow me down...it wasn't until i got a DUI in August of 2000 that i payed any attention to it...oh yeah, getting a DUI while driving with a suspended license is frowned upon by the judicial system...so, my debt to society being paid (in the grand total of $1,253.21 and drivers license being suspended for an additional year) i am back as a fully formed and functional member of society...


11 July 2002

i have just spent the last 20 minutes trying to spell "decision"...it required:
a) the help of a co-worker
b) all our combined functioning brain cells
c) spell check

...the saddest part is we were trying for most of that time just to spell it vaguely close so that spell check would understand what iwas trying to say...oh well, here's a cool link:

funny russian jokes

**from metafilter

10 July 2002

i hate everybody

fuck you all

...again, not you kat, you're a darling...
*check it*
there's a new blogger on the block...its called no parking...the interpretations of reality by a certified lunatic...its true, swear...he's a friend of mine...

and if that weren't enough...

and for those of you still feeling the post 4th blues...an american classic:

08 July 2002

>>>begin transmission XVII 01 MMII

here i am the shadow of a naked angel
know my heart and love it
lay me down beside four-leaf clovers
and whisper to me with wind
lay with me in utter confidence
this naked angel spreading wings
carry me to safety
engulf and enshroud with those feathery curtains
entombed for eternity


on these cliffs a mind was born
of thought surpassed by god
expansion of eternity
through electronic warfare
digital interface to a heavenly body
a shrine to lay thine eyes


those eyes
they're on me

does she know?
does he suspect?
is it all too much to assume?...

this pedestal is faltering
this image still not clear
i want to whisper madness
into that lovely ear...

that's all they see, my insanity
and what they can reap from me
they want my soul, and so much more
they all want my dream...

i fear for myself in times of doubt
normally i just carry on
but when the bottle hits the lips
and we embrace in bitter kiss
i kick out those around me...

on my rooftop
arms in a V
i am awesome
no one can touch me.


>>>end transmission XVII 01 MMII
his holiness, the Dalai Lama is working for the union of science and Buddhism. a worthy cause, in my opinion. check out Science for Monks

**from metafilter