22 March 2004

a letter to the editor
a sour drift, a sour pen;
loose lips, looser then;
count once, count to ten;
and all these visions start again;

somebody hold me, somebody nail me to the floor;
got something to show me? got nothing but ive had it all before;

sad life at 21;
start now, live for fun;
take care, and take notes;
this life you have it is no joke;

somebody help me, somebody help me help some more;
got nothing to show for it? got nothing but ive had it all before...

too many dishes piled up
to make my favorite dinner
too many people all tied up
how could i become a winner...

too many secrets left untold
where's the ear to listen?
two bottles on the floor
couldnt help the distance...
i know...


peaked out at 23
look right, then look at me;
top this, be better than i am
i am...

nobody saved me?, nobody's kissed me like that before;
dont care if i show it, got nothing that ive ever had before.